
For all companies

  • Competence profiling

    What skills have your employees? What skills they need in the future?

  • Customer and market analyzes

    How customers think about your company?

    The systematic identification and analysis of information on existing and potential customers (target groups) are the core of the customer analysis. Here are the requirements and needs, and the needs, desires and attitudes of individual customers analyzed. The market analysis provides in contrast to tailor information about an "anonymous" market and provides information on the status quo of the target market as well as to market potential, - volume and market structure.

    What are the relevant markets?

  • Employee survey

    How satisfied are your employees? What about your company and culture of trust?

    The employee survey is a questionnaire-based instrument to make the opinion of the employees in the company transparent.

  • Internal Communication

    Communication and teamwork are two outstanding skills that should have every employee today, so that the company can smoothly, effectively and inexpensively act. Sometimes it is so that the company's internal communication channels can be optimized. This is often because the employees in their work have developed their own standards or the designated routes are unknown or misunderstood. The situation is similar with the communication with external partners in cooperation.

  • Lifelong Learning

    Demographic change and the migration of skilled workers to other organizations often attract questions about continuity of services and the whereabouts of skills within the organization by itself. On the other hand, the organization shall in any case always update the knowledge of their employees in order to remain competitive.

  • Mobile Learning

    Learning and skills development are no longer just topics for the classroom in schools and further education institutions. Learned is everywhere today. Increasingly, solutions are used, which is to use allow the Smartphone as a learning tool.

  • Trend monitoring and trend Awareness

    The Internet has changed. From individuals who provide dedicated information into the network towards a place of discussion, of questioning and of providing content through everyone. Much information and knowledge are generated by the interaction in so-called social web with the help of social media. For a long time, there are companies that use this trend to operate, for example, social media marketing. However, the aim is often to make the company's own, existing products known and to attract new customers.

Special services for educational institutions

  • Mobile Learning

    Learning and skills development are no longer just topics for the classroom in schools and further education institutions. Learned is everywhere today. Increasingly, solutions are used, which is to use allow the Smartphone as a learning tool.

  • Training and advice for teachers

    Every year, many new methods and tools for teaching and learning will be developed. These have the flexibility of the potential to support learning or to make even more enjoyable. However, often it is forgotten that these innovations must also arrive at the learner. This requires lecturers, teachers or trainers and trainers who understand these tools and methods and enables or implement. Only then can you use the potential of the latest research and development in your school and make your customers with advanced learning opportunities.